NTPC Invites Bids for 7.1 MW Rooftop Solar Projects in Bihar, Jharkhand :
NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN), a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTPC , has issued a tender for 7.131 MW grid-connected rooftop solar projects at various locations of the central armed forces and the departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs Zone 1 in Bihar and Jharkhand.
BII, Norfund to Invest in IndiGrid’s 6 GW Renewable Energy ISTS Projects :
IndiGrid’s projects under construction are in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh India Grid Trust (IndiGrid ) has partnered with British International Investment (BII), the UK’s development finance institution, and impact investor Norwegian Climate Investment Fund managed by Norfund, and Techno Electric and Engineering Company (Techno) to develop its greenfield Interstate Transmission System (ISTS) projects.
Read more.. https://www.mercomindia.com/bii-norfund-to-invest-in-indigrids-6-gw-renewable-energy-ists-projects
ReNew’s Q1 FY25 Revenue Climbs 7% on Higher Energy Sales :
Net profit came in at ₹394 million (~$5 million), up 86.7% YoY Independent renewable power producer ReNew Powerreported revenue of ₹22.81 billion (~$ 274 million), an increase from ₹ 21.25 billion (~$ 255 million) in the first quarter (Q1) of FY 2025. This represents a year-over-year (YoY) growth of approximately 7%, driven by the expansion of its renewable energy projects and increased energy sales.
NVVN Tenders 25.65 MW Rooftop Solar Projects in Delhi :
The last date to submit bids is September 9, 2024 NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVNN), a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTPC, has floated a tender for a 25.65 MW grid-connected rooftop solar power project for government buildings in Delhi and adjoining states, including buildings under Delhi Police.
Rajasthan First State with 50% Solar in Power Mix :
WBPDCL invites bids for the O&M of a 3.5 MW rooftop solar project Rajasthan has become the first state in India to achieve more than 50% solar in its total installed power capacity, according to Mercom’s India Solar Project Tracker.
The state has approximately 23 GW of solar capacity, representing 51% of its total installed power capacity. Solar energy also dominates Rajasthan’s renewable portfolio, accounting for 76% of its total installed renewable energy capacity. In 2022, Rajasthan became the first state in India to surpass 10 GW of cumulative large-scale solar installations.
Rajasthan is the top solar state in India, housing a quarter of India’s cumulative large-scale solar capacity.